18 aprile 2019 giovedì. 13:22:34 UTC
United States
We are a group of hackers who have hacked your system. To show you we have FULL access to your device and all your records we have delivered you this message from your very own email account and furthermore we know, for example, that one of the passwords you used online was <leaked password>.
Some time in the past you visited an adult site (sex) that was infected with a trojan virus that we developed, this trojan virus installed itself onto your system, activated your camera and began recording you. We saved a few clips of you, "pleasing yourself" (you know what we mean), onto our server.
When you opened this e-mail a hidden pixel in this message initiated a timer on our server with all your data on it. From now on you have 8 hours to send us a onetime payment.
Listed below you will see our bitcoin address, you need to transfer EXACTLY 0.15 bitcoins to that address.
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